Monday, September 17, 2012


Welcome to our classroom blog!  We are going to have a ton of fun this year writing about what we are doing in third grade.  This blog is awesome because you can share it with your family and friends.  We will be able to post pictures, too.  How cool is that?

For now, we are going on a mini scavenger hunt.  Do you have your paper and pencil ready?  Here we go!

First, click on this link.  This is where I went to high school:
Check out the page and see if you can see anything interesting.  This is where my dad was the principal for many years.  Also, right now, the football team is undefeated!  Woo-hoo!!

Next, click on this link.  This is where I learned to love books:
I love this place and adored my librarian, Miss Carol.  She always called me "Dear Heart."

Now check out this link.  This is one of my favorite places.  Remember, I got married here:

Wasn't that fun?  Once you are finished with your paper, please give it to Mrs. Trees.  I hope you had fun playing with these sites and looking at our blog!!